Visual Trait IndexOriginally from a homeworld at the far reaches of space, a single fateful interaction with a visiting species in combo with their flexible genome and ability for rapid adaptation and evolution led to poffins quickly spreading throughout the galaxy. While initially regarded as a form of invasive species and pest, their charm, communication, and ability to integrate into the societies they visited allowed poffins to become an intergalactic staple species.
Due to their extremely diverse and flexible genome, poffins can look quite diverse from one individual to the next. However, among them, they still retain the same universal traits: animal-like (kemonomimi), 'butterfly' shaped ears, false eyes, a tassel on the ear that ends with a charm, duo-tails, either split or branching, and animal paws for feet.
While not universal, poffins may commonly posses pawed arms as well.
The ears of a poffin in particular are of heavy importance to members of the species, as they tend to be highly individual in appearance - as well as being common inter-species communication tools. No two sets of ears tend to be alike, and the members of the species take pride in this.
Outside of their universal features, poffins have surprisingly well-documented their genome's quirks, leading to the creation of the trait umbrellas. These umbrellas, being luminescence, animal features, artificial, edible, eldritch, extraterrestrial, and elemental, tend to encompass the various different types of genetic mutations found in the species.
For a full visual index of poffin traits for MYO creation, check the trait sheet here!
Poffins are a true wildcard of biology - both externally and internally, poffins can range anywhere from being humanlike to something truly out of this world. While this would imply that poffin healthcare would be a nightmare, it's thanks to the robust ability for adaptation that poffins rarely become ill with anything too serious.
Despite their vast range for difference, their reproduction cycle remains the same and is relatively short compared to other humanoid species, which is partially why they've become so populous.
Additionally, many poffins will casually lend their DNA for artificial gene splicing, a recent wonder of science that allows for artificial offspring to be created, even if the two DNA lenders have never met. This is done in attempt to further research the genetic makeup of poffins, as well as to diversify genepools and allow helpful adaptations to spread.
The idea of genetic relation and family can vary vastly depending on where a poffin is from, and how they came to be. While some hold the idea of blood family very close, others tend to find their own families and see genetic ties as nothing more than maybe something to find solidarity in.
Like most humanoid species, poffins are considered 'adults' by society at large upon reaching age 18. Because they have a longer lifespan though, the thresholds for stages like being considered a young adult, middle aged, or elderly are higher. On rare occasions, poffins may sometimes go far past the general species lifespan - be it due to adaptation, influence from the planet they inhabit, or otherwise.
While poffins are omnivorous, the true ratio is that they generally sustain off of 70% meat/fish and 30% otherwise. This varies widely from society to society depending on what it offers, but there seems to be a trend of poffins greatly enjoying sweet, processed foods in cultures where they exist.
Poffins are very effective communicators, both verbally and nonverbally! It's standard for poffins to be able to speak vocally the way most humanoids can, though some may be able to speak in obscure ways through adaptation, or be unable to speak at all. Nonverbally, poffins are very expressive with their ears and tails, as well as with hand gestures. In the case of a poffin have any other movable limbs - like wings - they emote using these as well.
When it comes to communicating with other poffins, individuals have the additional advantage of using their false eyes. Subtle movements and changes in expression and pattern can say more than a thousand words in poffin-to-poffin communication - it even seems to have 'dialects' between populations!
Because of their predisposition to communication, poffins can very easily integrate into almost any culture or society in the galaxy. It's due to this that they're largely considered to 'lack their own culture' by some, but poffins who are closer to the homeworld in some manner tend to be more influenced by what could be considered to be poffin culture. In recent times, it's become more popular for those closer to the homeworld to connect with the roots of their ancestors from time before the first contact.
- Recently, more poffins have been moving to consume more plant matter or shift to a vegan diet altogether. It's unknown if this is a result of an odd adaptation that spread widely, or if it's a more cultural ideal.
- Since poffin ears are so integral to their species identity and communication, prosthetics exist and are quite commonly used in the case of anything happening to the original ear(s).
- While inter-galactic travel is considered 'normal' for the cultures many poffins live in at this point in time, there are a few isolated planets where poffins have not left for centuries.
- Poffins will commonly make 'catlike' noises as a form of minor vocal tic.

Of course, what you do with your poffin is up to you!
You're free to stick to the 'canon', take only the bits and pieces you like, or make up something new altogether! The universe is yours, after all.