Poffin design guide

Created: 31 December 2021, 18:45:30 EST
Last updated: 27 November 2023, 14:58:01 EST

Let's design a Poffin!

Designing and submitting a character for a new species can be a bit daunting at first, so this guide exists to try and clear up common questions or snags one may have!
This page will cover things to consider, how to submit an MYO design, masterlist image requirements, and submitting design updates.
You can use the infobox to navigate to a respective section.

Things to consider...

  • For new designs...
    • It'd be a good idea to look over the species trait sheet, as well as the species TOS!
    • You may turn an existing design into a Poffin, granted you designed it yourself or have the original designer's permission. Keep in mind though: If a Poffin form is created for an existing design (or in the reverse case), the two designs must stay together in the case of gifting, trading, or sale.
    • If a Poffin is crossbred with another CS, you must mention so upon submission, as well as provide links for proof of permission and slot from the other species.
    • Poffins may not take excessive inspiration from a pre-existing character that you do not own, or from IRL people, such as celebrities. Light inspiration and motif use is OK, but the design should not read as 'literally X but a Poffin'.
    • Poffins masterlist images (either main images, refs, or any additional forms or outfits) should not include copyrighted or trademarked designs or logos. Knockoffs are fine, and you may dress your Poffin however you wish outside of ML image(s).
    • All MYO design approvals must be done on-site! While we do offer MYO checks in our Discord, these should not be confused for an official mark of approval.
  • For design revisions, edits, or additional image submissions...
    • All the MYO design rules still apply when editing an existing Poffin!
    • Poffin redesigns must resemble at least 40% of the original design! This may be increased to 60% if you use an edit starfly.
    • Whitewashing existing designs is strictly forbidden, unless you provide proof of explicit permission from the original designer.
    • You may not add additional special traits to a Poffin, unless using an applicable trait item. You may still remove special traits freely, as long at it follows the edit percentage rule.
      • For example: If your Poffin has a halo under the eldritch trait, you may change how the halo looks or remove it, but you cannot swap it for a different edritch-umbrella feature or different special trait.
    • Trait additions from trait items must still adhere to the edit percentage.

Image types and their requirements

As of the V2 update, there are now a selection of 'image types' for Poffins! These are all displayed on their profile, and can be switched between using tabs.
Note: These changes were not implemented until November 27th, 2023. As such, you may see Poffins that do not adhere to these guidelines, as they were uploaded before then! While changing these 'grandfathered' images is not required, any future design updates to a Poffin who's ML image doesn't adhere to the guidelines must use the new format.

All submitted masterlist images MUST be no larger than 1500x1500 pixels, regardless of type!

Main: This is the default image for your Poffin! It's the first one that shows up on their page.
It requires no additional items to update, and a request to change it may be submitted at any time.
To upload an image as a Poffin's 'main' image, simply leave the 'image type' dropdown blank.
All Poffins require a main-type image.

  • The image must feature the full body of the Poffin, in color. Shading is optional.
  • There should be no additional text, alternate/detail views, or anything other than the poffin itself.
  • The image background must be transparent.

Reference: These images are specifically for more detailed reference of your Poffin!
It requires no additional items to update, and a request to add or change it may be submitted at any time.

  • A reference image may contain whatever you feel is relevant for reference reasons, but must still adhere to the TOS!

Sphynxpoff: This is a Poffin's sphynx form!
A sphynx form may be submitted for free if a poffin does not have one, or alongside a major redesign, but requires a safety bell to be changed otherwise.

  • The image should feature the full body of the Poffin, in color. Shading is optional.
  • There should be no additional text, alternate/detail views, or anything other than the poffin itself.
  • The image background must be transparent.
  • You may choose a more 'standard' anatomy sphynxpoff, or 'kitten' style.

Shapeshifted: For Poffins with the wereform trait, they may include an image of their shapeshifted form!
This form requires the wereform trait - if a Poffin has it, their wereform may be submitted/edited at any time, unless being completely overhauled - which would require a new trait item.

  • The image should feature the full body of the Poffin, in color. Shading is optional.
  • There should be no additional text, alternate/detail views, or anything other than the poffin itself.
  • The image background must be transparent.

Outfit slots: These are additional showcase images, for you to show off any particular outfits! These are just for a profile showcase, and you may still change your Poffin's outfit freely in artwork.
Outfit slots require a clothing bag to add, and you can have up to three on one poffin. You may change the artwork of an existing outfit freely, as long as the outfit itself is the same. Otherwise, overriding or adding a new outfit will still require the clothing bag.

  • The image should feature the full body of the Poffin, in color. Shading is optional.
  • There should be no additional text, alternate/detail views, or anything other than the poffin itself.
  • The image background must be transparent.

Submitting an MYO design

To submit a new MYO design, navigate to the slot and click 'submit MYO design'.

From here, you want to create a new request. You'll be directed to a slightly different screen, which has tabbed sections for you to fill out. Instructions will be present on what to do for each of these tabs - be sure to read them!

Once a tab has been saved, the red X on the tab button will turn into a green O. Once all of the tabs are green, you may submit your MYO into the approval queue!

Please allow up to 7 days for MYO submission review - if its taking longer, you're welcome to send a ticket or ask in our Discord.

Submitting a design revision or new image type

To submit a design update, navigate to the settings tab on the character's sidebar and click 'update design'.

From here, you want to create a new request. You'll be directed to a slightly different screen, which has tabbed sections for you to fill out. Instructions will be present on what to do for each of these tabs - be sure to read them!
For image updates specifically, make sure you attached any required items if needed.

Once a tab has been saved, the red X on the tab button will turn into a green O. Once all of the tabs are green, you may submit your update into the approval queue!

Please allow up to 7 days for update submission review - if its taking longer, you're welcome to send a ticket or ask in our Discord.

Edit percentage calculator

The following can be considered minor design changes, with each change being about 10% of a total redesign:

  • Palette/hue shifts
  • Small special trait changes (i.e. changing the filling color for filled class, changing the shape or location of a halo)
  • Changing a conjoined tail to a fully split one, or vice versa
  • Color or small shape changes to charms and tassels

The following can be considered major design changes, with each change being about 20% of a total redesign:

  • Leg fur overhauls
  • Large special trait changes (i.e. changing the filling of filled glass from sand to water)
  • Changing ears and/or tail to that of a different species entirely
  • Changing charm and/or tassel shape entirely

The following are not weighted in design edit percentages, and are freely changeable:

  • Plantigrade feet vs digitigrade feet
  • Human arms vs furred/paw arms
  • Different hair colors, styles, and lengths
  • Different eye colors
  • Piercings, scars, tattoos, and prosthetics