Year's end party

Created: 4 December 2023, 13:47:04 EST
Last updated: 4 December 2023, 13:58:52 EST

Let's get this one out with a bang!

From the Poffins staff - thank you so much for the support given throughout our prelaunch period! While things are quite ready for full relaunch just yet, we can still celebrate, right?

Poffins snowball fight gift exchange

This event will be held exclusively in the Poffins Discord! Spread some festive excitement, and get some in return! This event is effectively just a DFTPAY (draw for the person above you) event, but with the addition of being able to turn in your finished gifts for extra bonuses!

Full rules and details can be found within the Poffins Discord server!

Year's end raffle

For this raffle, we have some special prizes in store!


Two premade designs, as well as a special MYO slot are up for grabs!

This raffle is participation-based! To get tickets, you can...

  • Create something for this month's prompt (x3 tickets)
  • Participate in the gift exchange (x1 ticket per gift, caps at 6)

Turn in your gift exchange pieces here!

Check out the raffle tickets here!