
An extroverted and well-traveled fashion photographer, who loves people above all else.

Upbeat and just the tiniest bit eccentric, Val is an intergalactic traveler with a photographic eye for fashion. She's determined to see the many different styles and cultures the galaxy has to offer, believing the insight they give to be more important than anything else.


Val has a lean body type, with light skin that's intermittently covered in freckles. She has long, curly ginger-colored hair, tied into a tight ponytail - with the same texture being present on her duo tails. Her eyes are dark purple, and her false eyes generally match their color.

She's noted to have a number of less common genetic mutations, such as two pairs of horns, two pairs of false eyes and tassels, and partial glass legs.

Many have said her style is 'distinguished', and she enjoys taking cues from the various outfits she's seen.


Val is a person passionate about her hobbies and work, with an optimistic nature that tends to rub off on others, more often than not. She loves the people of the galaxy and how varied they can be, and can easily have a conversation for hours with a stranger while on a ship from one place to another.

That said, she doesn't deal with loneliness well, and would very much prefer to avoid empty planets if she could. Even in just abandoned spaces, she finds a heavy unnerving energy, so she really just doesn't like the concept of isolation in general.


Val comes from a small planet in deep space, notable for its almost plush, long grass, quaint villages, and clear skies. While many in her village were content with staying there, a few well-traveled poffin tourists arrived one day to take nature photographs, and Val had an epiphany.
She'd always enjoyed photography, a hobby that she picked up from one of her grandparents. But she had always felt like she'd been lacking a muse... she knew she liked to take pictures of people, but...
The outfits the intergalactic tourists were wearing! They were so magnificent to her, that some kind of lightbulb must've gone off in her head. She wanted to see more of the different kinds of fashion and style that was out there!

After hopping from place to place in her pursuit of couture, Val has recently decided to set up a 'temporary' pop-up in the shopping complex known as MegaBodega™. Though initially just a gallery, she's found that the area in the homeworld provides enough diversity of visitors that she doesn't mind staying.
Having a place to sit down now, Val is starting to experiment with making clothes herself! So now, her studio functions as both a gallery, and a fitting room for the fashionably inclined.


  • She visits home at least once a year when she can, and enjoys showing her photos to her younger family members who have yet to see the world.
  • She regularly laments the fact that her horns get in the way of cool hats.
  • In all her years of photographing, she's used the same camera - albeit, having had to get it repaired a few times.
  • She's the #1 purchaser of SD cards from Bobby's Bodega.
5'6" [168cm]
Traveling Fashion Photographer
On the masterlist