November newsletter: Poffins are resting!

Posted 10 months ago :: Last edited 10 months ago by zinnia


Just 5 more minutes...

October seemed like it just flew by, and with the swiftness of that month comes the beginning of winter flurries (at least, for me. there's so much snow please take some.)

Unfortunately, it also wasn't the kindest month to staff - leaving development at a bit of a standstill. So, staff figured it'd be best to keep development a bit more low-key this month, as to focus on the various things that life had thrown at us in October.

What does this mean?
All site functions that require manual input (approvals of all kinds, mostly) will still be taken care of, however active development, updates, and management of any bug reports may be slower. Though there are some exciting things brewing under the hood, nothing too drastic is planned to happen.

Thank you for your patience and understanding, and we hope to bring some surprises for December at least!

✦ Monthly prompt ✦

It's getting colder for those in the northern hemisphere, so maybe it's a good time for a nap...
This month's prompt is based around the idea of 'cozy' activities! Sleeping in, bundling up, playing a familiar video game... whatever brings warmth and comfort!

View and submit your prompt here!

✦ OPEN ADOPTS ✦1048_Un1Kf1ftOM_th.png1050_2pyGaYHr0r_th.png

Two of the bug basket adopts are still open! You can click the bolded link to claim them, if you'd like!

✦ Let's keep moving forwards! ✦

As usual, I like to close these out with thanks for the support and patience from the community! It means a lot, especially in harder months ❤
If you'd like live updates, or just a place to hang out, our Discord server is always open!

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