
Unusual false eyes (Special)

Category: False Eyes

False eyes that posess unusual qualities, such as:

  • Being elemental
  • Being asymmetrical
  • Being made of an object or food

Unusual tails (Special)

Category: Tails

A tail that posesses unusual qualities, including but not limited to:

  • Being non-mammalian
  • Being based off a mythical or imaginary creature
  • Being made of bone
  • Having 3 or more tails
  • Having no tail/s
Unusual Tassels

Unusual Tassels (Special)

Category: Tassels

Tassels with unusual propeties, such as:

  • Extending past the shoulder
  • Being asymmetrical
  • Being in more than one pair

Unusual Charms (Special)

Category: Tassels

Tassel charms unusual in some way, i.e. non symmetrical or made of a peculiar material.

Unusual ears (Special)

Category: Ears

Ears the posess unusual properties, including but not limited to:

  • More than one pair
  • Being non-mammal based
  • Being based off of a mythical or otherwise imaginary creature
Fused Objects

Fused Objects (Special)

Category: Extra

Inanimate objects, fused to the Poffin's body in any location.


Bioluminescence (Special)

Category: Extra

The poffin can glow! Either in total or isolated to specific parts.

Unusual Horns (Special)

Category: Extra

Horns that posess unusual properties, such as:

  • Being in more than one pair
  • Being large
  • Being made of an inorganic material, such as crystal or metal
  • Being located somewhere other than the Poffin's head

Wereform (Special)

Category: Extra

The ability to shift into a different form entirely, one that is not that standard sphynx form.

This wereform may be of any creature, but must retain some resemblance to the Poffin's main design.

Unusual Wings (Special)

Category: Extra

Wings with unusual properties, such as:

  • Being larger than the Poffin's armspan
  • Being located in any place other than the upper back
  • Having more than one pair
  • Not of a feathered or bat variant

Extraterrestrial (Special)

Category: Extra

Features that seem to be out of this world!
This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Antennae
  • Non-mammalian features
  • A 'glitch' effect
  • Body transparency
  • Chameleon/color changing ability

Elemental (Special)

Category: Extra

This Poffin has elemental attributes!

This can include, but is not limited to:

  • Fire
  • Water
  • Air
  • Earth
  • Light
  • Darkness
  • Technology

Animal features (Special)

Category: Extra

This Poffin has a bit more in the realm of animalistic features than usual!
This can include, but is not limited to:

  • Cat whiskers
  • Extra fur anywhere on the body where not normally found
  • An animal nose
  • Reptile scales

Note that pawed arms and arm fur is still common and does not fall under this trait!

Edible (Special)

Category: Extra

This Poffin has certain parts of them made of food, or is partially or entirely made of food themselves.

Artificial (Special)

Category: Extra

This Poffin has features not typically expected of a fleshy being, including but not limited to:

  • A ball-jointed doll body
  • Part of their body being made out of inanimate objects
  • Unnatural stitches that 'wrap around' in an almost plushie-like manner
  • Parts of the body made of glass, including filled glass

Eldritch (Special)

Category: Extra

This Poffin has features that are unnatural and uncanny, including but not limited to:

  • Body parts or features where they shouldn't be (ie teeth or eyes)
  • Extra limbs or other body parts
  • Floating or summonable extra limbs
  • A living accessory
  • 'Animated' markings that shift around

Unusual coloration (Special)

Category: Extra

This Poffin has unnatural coloration anywhere on their body, inside or out.

17 results found.