Migrating to V2 changes

Created: 6 September 2023, 19:01:16 EDT
Last updated: 20 September 2023, 16:36:55 EDT
Note: This only applies if your Poffinsworld account / Poffin in question was created before the big push, which occured on September 6th, 2023.

Migration can only be done once per user and once per Poffin. Migrating your Poffin is necessary for using them with certain new features, and migrating your currency is just to allow you to start again where you left off with an equal amount. If you're unsure if your user/Poffin has been migrated, check for the 'founding member/poffin' award.

Step 1:
Navigate to the claim submission page here.

A form for a new claim should automatically open. Leave the URL blank, and write 'V2 Migration' in your comment.

Step 2:
Migrating a poffin

Under 'charcters', click 'add character' and enter or copy your Poffin's full character code, and do not set them as the 'focus character'. You may migrate as many Poffins as you'd like in one claim, however they must all belong to you. Ideally, you should migrate all your Poffins in one go.

Step 3:
Migrating currency

Under 'add-ons', click the 'show' text to expand the section for your bank. Click 'add currency', choose Star Tears (ST) in the dropdown, and enter how much you'd like to migrate (ideally, this would be all your ST)

And now all you have to do is wait! Once a staff member has processed the migration, you'll recieve both a 'founding member' award for yourself and a 'founding Poffin' award for any Poffins you've migrated.